
Obama cheers Biden judicial milestone as former adviser warns of Trump ‘MAGA Court Majority’ on Supreme Court

Former President Obama cheered President Biden Wednesday after the Senate confirmed his 200th pick for a federal judgeship amid fears from the left over what the November election could mean for the highest court in the land.

Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior Obama adviser, warned that the U.S. Supreme Court could be left with a ‘MAGA majority’ should former President Trump win re-election in November.

Pfeiffer predicted that if Trump wins re-election, he would ‘most certainly’ be able to appoint two Supreme Court justices since Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito are nearing retirement. 

‘By the end of Trump’s second term — were he to win — Thomas will be 82, Alito will be 78,’ Pfeiffer said on a recent episode of ‘Pod Save America.’

In his first term, Trump appointed Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

The former Obama aide noted that if Trump got two additional Supreme Court appointees, there would be a ‘MAGA court majority that will rule for decades.’

‘If he gets two appointments, that means he will have appointed five Supreme Court Justices, all of whom will be around or below the age of 60 when he leaves office,’ he said. ‘That is a MAGA court majority that will rule for decades.’

Pfieffer said that even if Democrats manage to win subsequent presidential elections, Trump’s ‘fingerprint’ will be ‘all over’ the U.S.’ highest court. 

‘We can win the next however many presidential elections and absent something short of extraordinary happening, Trump’s fingerprint will be all over the Supreme Court,’ Pfeiffer said.

Pfieffer’s comments came after Obama took to X on Wednesday to rally around Biden’s judicial impact, praising the president for confirming women and minorities. 

‘@POTUS just confirmed his 200th judge – not an easy accomplishment with a narrow majority in the Senate. And more than half are women and people of color,’ Obama wrote.  

‘Judges have the power to roll back progress or keep us moving forward; to protect our basic liberties or take them away. It’s another reminder of what’s at stake in this election, and why it’s so important to vote,’ he added.

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

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